Monday, August 6, 2007

Mute Monday 3 - Zip

I totally forgot what today's subject was... I found this on the internet. Not too original, I know.


Anonymous said...

Of Course it's original! Anything copied and pasted with your own hand is ORIGINAL!


Kiki said...

:) I like that!! (you don't see the glue seeping out, do you?)

sparringK9 said...

what is that thing? a pre-columbian artifact? grrherhaha.

h said...

Happy Mute Monday. Zip wasn't a good choice. Next week's is better.

Anonymous said...

Naaaah! Not at all kiki! Did you use the new 'blue' turns white when it dries glue stick?


Anonymous said...

LOL. I just found all of mine by googling things that I thought of and then a couple were just random things I cam across in those searches, lol. The only thing I planned on was the zip ties and the Zippo, lol. I'm glad I found the rest or I would've felt quite dull. :)

Hope you're having a great day.
Remember; work, not blog! LOl.:D

Anonymous said...

I loved zip discs....I remember thinking they were the wave of the future at some point an eon ago.


Kiki said...

She - why yes, it is!

AS - that's okay. Sometimes you have to have a bit of a challenge, otherwise things wouldnt be fun!

Ambre - nope. I used good old fashioned elmers!!

AR - that is some awesome googling! I totally forgot because I wanted to get my part 2 done for ya!

Enyo - I still have my zip drive!! Hmm.. Maybe I can rip it apart and make a necklace out of it. Curious Visitors