Friday, August 17, 2007

Late TMI Tuesday #96

You know you want to play....Head over to TMI Tuesday and copy the questions to your own space. Leave the nice folks a comment about where you left your answers. Or just post your answers in the comment!

1. Define "infidelity" as it relates to a relationship. Have you ever been guilty of infidelity? Have you ever been the victim of infidelity? Have you ever been a participant in someone else's infidelity?
Infidelity: A conscious decision to repeatedly disrespect your SO by having sex with and having emotional feelings for another person, while lying to your SO. According to my definition, I am only half guilty of it. My friend T said that there is also emotional infidelity. (That's a story for another day) Yes, I have been a "victim". See part 1 and part 2 I'll admit that I did try to hook up one of M's (married) friends with one of my single ones. That was long before I went through my experience and I am ashamed that I was condoning that kinds of behavior.

2. What is the last thing you stole?
Not counting pens from the office... That would have to be pens from Woolworth's when I was about 12 or 13. The manager caught me and threatened to tell my mom and that was enough for me. Never stole anything again.

3. Name one place in your country that you have never been but would like to visit and why.
I'd like to go to Hawaii because they have pineapple. :)

4. What movies can you watch over and over again?
Friday, Bubble Boy (Jake Gyllenhaal), The Fifth Element, Star Wars "Trilogy" (you know, the "original" ones),

5. Who is the last person you saw naked?
Myself, and M before that.

Bonus (as in optional): In honor of the 237 reasons we have sex study. Tell us at least five but not more than ten reason you have had sex.

  • Because it feels pretty damn good.
  • Because I am horny.
  • Because I love him.
  • Because I wanted to please him.
  • Because I read some erotic stories
  • Because I got a full body massage

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