Sunday, August 12, 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

Here's the deal. Head over to Unconsious Mutterings and get the list of words. Then play word association (and it doesn't have to be one word answers!). Leave her a comment so she can come see what you wrote!

When she says.. :: You say...
  1. Voyage :: to the center of the Earth
  2. Patricia :: works at the Corporate office
  3. Transformation :: does not happen overnight
  4. Vocabulary :: is what makes the blog go 'round
  5. San Francisco :: has a great zoo, from what I hear
  6. Edward :: Scissorhands starred Johnny Depp
  7. Sawyer :: is HOT HOT HOT!!!
  8. Literary :: genius I am not
  9. Tiger :: big cuddly kitty
  10. Seal :: babies are cute


Anonymous said...

Interesting responses. I love word association but I've still never done that meme, lol.

Kiki said...

Thanks! I like this one because I'm not limited to one word responses. :) Curious Visitors