Quick flashback to the weekend:
How many family members does it take to bathe a baby? The answer is 3. One to hold the baby, one to wash her top half and one to wash the bottom half. Babies can be very slippery! We discovered that we are waaaaaaay out of practice.
I also found out that one of my aunts died of lung cancer last year. No one in the family could find her for quite few years. We can't even tell my grandmother because it might stress her heart too much.
Tuesday - Day 1: It was okay. They didn't give us breakfast, and lunch was less than spectacular (pizza & wings)
Me and the fam went to Cold Stone for my (belated) birthday ice cream. I love it when they sing. I can remember the first time I went to Cold Stone. I was so excited that I had goosebumps, and when they sang a song I started crying because I was so happy! I know - freaking corny. But it's little things that make me happy sometimes.
On the way home, we saw a mama deer and a baby deer. They were grazing, totally oblivious to the tons of traffic that was less 80 feet away from them. I tried to make a video, but it came out too dark.
Wednesday - Day 2: Had a migraine all day, so bad that I snoozed during the presentations. Took some Tylenol, but it didn't help. Lunch was a boxed lunch. Tuna sandwich on rye, and a cookie.
Thursday - Day 3: Got a bad text during training. Jessie won't eat or drink. She can't even get up.
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