Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness #4

The Perv Edition.

1. What is the worst part about going down on the opposite sex?
Having a cold and not being able to breathe right.

2. What is something you want more of in your current relationship? (Or if you're not in one, something you wanted more of in your previous relationship.)
More sex. More communication.

3. What is something you want less of in your current relationship?
(Or if you're not in one, something you wanted more of in your previous relationship.)
Less misunderstandings, less stress.

4. Have you ever had a sex dream that involved a cartoon or fictional character in it?
Not that I can recall.

5. Have you ever fantasized about a significant other's parent?
EW. No.

6. Where is the most public place you've ever masturbated?
At my old job.

7a. GIRLS: If a guy expressed his desire to wear a pair of your panties, what would your reaction be?
"Umm.... Okay.........."

7b. GUYS: If a girl expressed her desire for you to wear a pair of her panties, what would your reaction be?

8. How much is "too much" when it comes to Public Displays of Affection?
It depends on the place. If they are in a public park where there are children, I think it's too much when they are practically having sex. Kissing is okay. Grabbing tits is not. Holding hands is okay. Drooling on Nether-regions is not.

If they are in a bar, by all means have at each other. We're all adults and want to watch!


- said...

I am sooooo right there w/ U on all of these actually. Except for #6 - I didnt do that @ "your" old job. However I did @ my own but anyways (giggle*) Awesome answers! ; )

Ashly Star said...

I'm with you on all 8 answers, lol. I forgot about #1, lol. That really does suck! Thanks for playing! =)

AR's Boyfriend said...

Nice answers! You take people watching to a new level lol. Not really, but that was hilarious! We want to watch! Haha.

Happy WW Curious Visitors