Friday, January 11, 2008

Yep, that's a size 14 noose...

I just need to purge some random shit that has been bouncing around my head for a bit.

The semester started on Wednesday, and already I feel the stress. Not from the work load that will eventually begin to pile up, but of the great responsibility that I signed up for.

I am a Club President.

And not just any club. We are a chapter. We have national affiliation. What the fuck was I thinking when I ran? I know what I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking about how stressful this was going to be for me. I thought it would be a piece of cake, because I was the Secretary last semester and thought I could handle being President. Plan a few events, raise a few bucks, have fun.

I should have known better. I have planned great parties before. My very first Christmas party was a blast. I also stressed myself because I did all the decorating, made all the invitations, cooked all the food and kept things flowing. My first summer party was a Luau. That was an awesome party. Uninvited guests, cops, military flashbacks and a fight.

Now I have to delegate, which I'm not good at doing. If things aren't going as planned, I freak and snap and start doing Everything myself. Gods, what was I thinking?

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