Saturday, September 29, 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

Here's the deal. Head over to Unconsious Mutterings and get the list of words. Then play word association (and it doesn't have to be one word answers!). Leave her a comment so she can come see what you wrote!

When she says.. :: You say...

  1. Crook :: by crook

  2. Career :: oriented

  3. Freckles :: bassett hound

  4. Scramble :: eggs

  5. Mistake :: OOPS

  6. Telephone :: hello?

  7. Thank you :: you're welcome!

  8. Obstruction :: get outta my way

  9. 24/7 :: all day long

  10. SciFi :: she blinded me wiht science!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday Feast 162

How are you today?

Doing okay, feeling a bit restless and bored.

Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.
NCIS, House and CSI (Las Vegas)

What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
A snowstorm that dropped about 7 feet of snow on the city within less than 12 hours, stranding poeple all over the city in their cars or at work or at home. I tried to go out in it and there was lightning hitting the ground about 2 feet away from me while it was snowing!!

Main Course
If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?
Grand Bahama Island

What do you usually wear to sleep?

A shirt and panties or nothing at all. It depends on the weather outside.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Hump Day!

Today's Topic is Tool Day!

1. Kitchen tool
My cast iron pans

2. Computer/internet tool
My laptop

3. Relaxation tool
My B.O.B.

4. Organizational tool
Um.. I'm not too organized, so I guess anything that gets me there.

5. "Tool" tool (things you'd buy at a hardware store).
I love power tools! Cordless drills!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

TMI Tuesday #102

1. Who did you think you would marry in elementary school?
I didn't want to get married back then.

2. Which muppet is your favorite? Why?
My favorite is Animal cuz he is so crazy.

3. Which politician would you most like to screw? [For pleasure or revenge]
Can't think of any at the moment.

4. How did you first find the g-spot?
Purely by accident. LOL

5. What is the best costume you've ever worn?
A tiger costume with great tiger makeup. I was hot back then.

Bonus (as in optional):Does pornography liberate or deteriorate society?
I don't think it does either. I don't really watch too much porn, but as long as no one gets hurt it's okay.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

Here's the deal. Head over to Unconsious Mutterings and get the list of words. Then play word association (and it doesn't have to be one word answers!). Leave her a comment so she can come see what you wrote!

When she says.. :: You say...

  1. Singles :: have no responsibility

  2. Blaze :: fire

  3. Sandwich :: salami

  4. Outside :: is where I want to be

  5. Gooey :: worms

  6. Industry :: good for business

  7. Exclusive :: just for us

  8. Warranty :: expired

  9. Magical :: children

  10. Heels :: clicked 3 times

Saturday Special ~Autumn Favorites~

1. Favorite Autumn Activity?:
Walking in the park and seeing all the beautiful colors.

2. Favorite Autumn Meal?:
Thanksgiving dinner!!

3. Favorite Autumn Drink?:
Apple cider

4. Favorite Autumn Weather?:
A nice cool crisp morning.

Friday Feast 161

What is your favorite type of art?
I like all kinds of paintings and sculptures. My favorite painting was one that looked like ribbon candy.

When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?
I got a free brunch for my anniversary from an old family friend. It was excellent food!

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?
That depends on what you mean by emotional. If you mean mood swings, then its about 5.

Main Course
Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?
I used to spend about an hour or two on emails.

To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?
I like it between 72 and 75 in the winter. I don't like to be too warm.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

WAY LATE! TMI Tuesday #101

1. What is one thing a your significant other could do to you to rock your world?
Tell me that I am beautiful

2. Which super power (ability to turn invisible, ability to read people's thoughts, or invulnerability) would you take and why?
I'd like to be invisible so that I could hide from everyone every once in a while.

3. Would you rather be tied up or tie someone else up? Why?
I'd rather tie someone else up because I am a control freak.

4. What is your best physical and non physical asset?
My best physical asset are my legs. They go up and make an ass out of themselves.
My best non physical asset is my sense of loyalty.

5. If they were naming new Dwarves beyond the seven what would your name be and why?
I'd name one Stumpy (because they are short). I guess my name would be Stretch because I am tall.

Bonus: What's the most embarrassing thing you ever bought?
A stupid sex novelette from a porn shop cuz I didn't want to NOT buy anything.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

Here's the deal. Head over to Unconsious Mutterings and get the list of words. Then play word association (and it doesn't have to be one word answers!). Leave her a comment so she can come see what you wrote!

When she says.. :: You say...

  1. Rita :: not as bad as Katrina, but bad enough

  2. Comedy :: is the spice of life

  3. Polar :: bear

  4. Idiots :: need extra help

  5. Perception :: it's all how you see things

  6. Infected :: run the anti-virus

  7. Fake :: boobs

  8. Relating :: to what?

  9. Distraction :: blogging

  10. Gamble :: take a chance

Friday, September 14, 2007

My ideas

Since Artful Sub is always looking for ideas, I thought I would post my Mute Monday ideas here


Ti-i-i-ime is on my side. Yes it is.

Cuz I went and got my stupid ass fired. And over such teeny tiny little action. I had a strange feeling when YoungBuck handed me my check. "I'm going to be let go today" flashed through my head. I don't know what made me think that, but I never thought it would be true.

It all started last Thursday. (do the itsy bitsy spider rain movement to indicate a flashback) Fire Marshall Dickhead was inspecting the place and when he came into my office, he said there were two rooms that had daisy-chained surge protectors. I told him there shouldn't be any, because me and a former co-worker checked all the rooms.

He says "You doubt my eagle eye?" I told him that yes I did. "Well you can get up and I'll show you, or you can just say 'I'm sorry and I'll fix it.'" I said "I'm sorry, and I'll fix it." He then left my office and when he was further down the hall, I stuck my tongue out at him. Unfortunately, my manager (who doesn't have a sense of humor) was standing right in front of me. She had a chance to say something then and there.

Fast forward to today. She waited a whole week before canning me. Stating that I was rude to him, unprofessional and the tongue was over the top. And how would it look when he returned and the employee who was rude to him still worked there? I know that she has been trying little ways to try and get me to quit, because I was the "wild child" of the company. I pretty much played by my own rules, bending to theirs when I needed to. Her biggest problem with me is that I am not a "Yes Man" and I don't kiss ass.

But it's okay. Cuz that place is going to be chaos and I'm still going to be around to watch it happen.

Have a great weekend everybody!!!

Friday Feast 160

When was the last time you visited a hospital?

The last time I visited a hospital was to visit my friend JL after her surgery, about a month ago.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how ambitious are you?
It depends on the task at hand. But most times, I give ambition a 3.

Make a sentence using the letters of a body part. (Example: (mouth) My other ukelele tings healthily.)
(stomach) Start talking of mothers and cheese heads

Main Course
If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?

I'd start a club for Native Americans, and they would be able to learn about computers. I'd call it Technically Native.

What color is the carpet/flooring in your home?

I hate my carpet. It is dark brown. I'd rather have hardwood floors. The kitchen has ceramic tiles, and I hate those too. I've broken too many dishes on that floor.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

HNT and stuff

Yay! It's Thursday!! Only one more day to Friday!! Two days before Saturday!!

More importantly, DNA starts his new job this coming Monday!!! He will be working from 3 pm to 11:30 pm. That means I only have to see him on weekends (maybe not even then)!!!!!!! I can't even begin to describe how happy this makes me! I've actually been smiling!!

Yesterday, while waiting for the bus a man stopped in front of me.
"Bon jour" (oh great. i don't speak french)
But as he continues to tell me about how he needs to make a long distance call, and doesn't have any Canadian coins (cuz we aren't in Canada) I notice his totally NOT french, but spanish sounding accent. Now I'm really confused.
So he finally gets around to asking me for change, and I tell him that I don't have any. And I really don't this time. I've been working downtown long enough to know who really needs change. If I had it I would have given it to him.
He then explains that his family was in the hurricane, and pulls out a photo album to show me pictures. "I'm sorry, but I really don't have any money."
"That's okay. I believe you. You don't have to lie to me. I believe you. I believe women and human beings."
Okay, then....

Any way, I burned my hand a few weeks ago. The blister gently popped on it's own last Friday. It's a first for me! I pick scabs too. (OOPS! I missed the post about the themes... )

Foto Pherrets - Memory

Topic - Memory

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

WOO HOO Wednesday!

Late Entry for Foto Pherrets

Topic: LOST

Happy Hump Day!


Today's topic is 15 Minutes Of Fame Day

1. Have you ever been famous for anything? If so, what did you do to become famous?
I don't think I'm famous. Although, even though I was a loner in high school, everyone knew me. I was almost like the female version of "Norm".

2. Have you ever met anyone famous?
I met an NFL player. I don't remember his name because I don't really care for football. M knows the guys from Malevolent Creation.

3. Are you related to anyone famous (anywhere on your family tree)?
According to my grandmother, we are descendants of Erik the Red. I don't know how true that is, because she was eventually diagnosed with Alzheimers.

4. Whose 15 minutes of fame should be taken away?
Brittney Spears. Just send her back to the trailer park because it's just a train wreck, and too horrible to watch anymore. I feel for those kids of hers.

I see... Idiots

How hard is it to have a conversation? Not too hard. Or so I thought. I hate it when Chucklehead fails to recognize the importance of ensuring that the customers we serve need their accounts BEFORE employees. Hellloooooooo!! How hard is that to understand?

Obviously too hard for her.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Triple Header Tuesday

Dontcha feel special?! Three in one day!

Last night, DNA informs me that I won't be getting a ride home this semester. Not a big deal. I'm a big girl that knows how to ride the bus. He's looking at me like he wants me to ask why I can't get a ride.

So I think for a second. That's right! He went to a job fair thingy! "Because you got a job?"

Yes. Because he GOT A JOB!! "No fuckin shit!!" I ran in the house after congratulating him and did a seriously deliriously happy dance!

TMI Tuesday #100!!!

My favorite day of the week! Tuesday!! Head on over and wish the folks there a Happy 100!

1. Where was the first place you ever had sex?
In the very small bathroom of this little corner store, which was owned by the parents of my best friend. It's funny because he was much, much shorter than me. His street name was most certainly for his height, not his penis.

2. Does size matter? (open to interpretation boys and girls)
Sometimes size does matter. The penis should not ever be so long as to poke the back of your throat by way of your nether-regions. It should not be so thick as to split you down the middle. It should also not be so short that I need a microscope. But if the guy knows how to handle himself without causing pain (unless she enjoys it), then by all means go for it!!

3. Have you ever had sex in your office or your place of employment?
Not with another person.

4. Ever been skinny dipping?
Nope. I can't swim, so I don't want to scare anyone with my flailing nakedness.

5. Top or bottom?
I prefer being on top.

Bonus: Where were you September 11, 2001? What were you doing when you first heard about the twin towers?
I was at work. I believe I was running around trying to fix user accounts, when M called and told me about it. I wasn't really listening, and he yelled "Go turn on the TV". I turned it on just as the first tower fell.

In Rememberance

Monday, September 10, 2007

Mute Monday 8 - Music

Tool - Lead Vocalist: Maynard James Keenan

Maynard James Keenan

Maynard James Keenan



I don't want to be thought of as a lazy blogger. But I know I am.

I post memes and other items on here that may or may not constitute "real" posts. I look at other blogs wonder if these people really live these great sounding lives. And why my life seems so boring.

Kinda makes it hard to be interesting when you think your own life is boring. I've got my work cutout for me. I'll admit that a lot of my friends think I am kinda wild and crazy, but that's because most of my friends have always been quiet and mousy. I've always been the "bad" influence.

Like the time me and my friend D got drunk at my house. DNA Sponsor was working overnights, and my mother was planning to go out. She had beer in the house, and we drank it. It wasnt much, just a six pack. We had to be about 11 or 12. We got high too, cuz I knew where DNA kept his stash. We crashed til about 10 the next morning, and she started freaking out. BIG TIME.

I couldn't convince her to stay at my house, and her holier-than-thou mother went totally ballistic and called my mom. It didnt matter that all my life, I have been too terrified of DNA to stand up to him. When my mother got pissed - whoo boy! Watch out! And of course, D wasnt allowed to spend the night at my house anymore.

I am thirty-something years old, and my mother has only hit me twice in my entire life. This was one of them. DNA was more than willing to dole out a whack or two.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Unconcious Mutterings

Here's the deal. Head over to Unconsious Mutterings and get the list of words. Then play word association (and it doesn't have to be one word answers!). Leave her a comment so she can come see what you wrote!

When she says.. :: You say...

  1. Dork :: head

  2. Refurbished :: just another word for Junk

  3. Basket :: Easter baskets overflowing with CHOCOLATE!!!

  4. Mousse :: Chocolate!!!!

  5. Studio :: Art is born here

  6. 8 ball :: Don't stand behind it.

  7. Masking tape :: makes a really great ball

  8. Love :: shouldn't hurt

  9. Wilder :: was Laura Ingalls' married name

  10. Lindsey :: La Lohan needs some serious help

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Saturday Special ~Online Preferences~

1. Favorite Computer Cruising Time?
Any time!

2. Favorite Time To Write Your Blog Entry?
Usually in the morning, or when I need to get something off my chest.

3. Favorite Internet Service Provider?
I've only ever known AOL at home. It's a T1 at work, and RoadRunner (which is pretty good).

4. Favorite Email Service?

Friday, September 7, 2007

Scattegories for Bloggers

I found this here and thought I'd give it a whirl. The game is called Scattergories.

Here's the "rules":

  • Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions.
  • They must be real places, names, things ... nothing made up!
  • If you can't think of anything, skip it.
  • You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
  • If your name happens to start with the same letter as mine, sorry, but you can't use my answers!

My Name: Kiki
  1. Famous Singer/Band: Kid Rock
  2. 4 letter word: Kind
  3. Street: Kensington
  4. Colour: Kelly Green
  5. Gifts/Presents: Karats
  6. Vehicle: Kia Sportage
  7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Keychains
  8. Boy Name: Kyle
  9. Girl Name: Karen
  10. Movie Title: K-9
  11. Drink: Kahlua
  12. Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher
  13. Celebrity: Kathy Bates
  14. Magazine: King
  15. U.S. City: Kansas City
  16. Pro Sports Teams: Los Angeles Kings, Sacremento Kings
  17. Fruit: Kiwi
  18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Knots in my shoelace
  19. Something You Throw Away: Kitchen sink
  20. Things You Shout: Kinky
  21. Cartoon Character: (Hello) Kitty

(it's harder than I thought)

Friday Feast 159

Using only one word, how does grocery shopping make you feel?


What is your favorite part about the season of Autumn?

The colors of the leaves, the crispness of the air, the anticipation of Halloween.

Have you ever had any bad experiences online?

Only when I check my bank account to see how much money I don't have. :) Other than that, I have not had any bad online experiences. No weird stalkers (as if there is any other kind) or molesters.

Main Course
Name three things that make you happy daily.

Dusty cat
The Kids

What one household cleansing or organizing item would you not want to be without?

The maid. :D No, I really don't have a maid. I hate housework in general, but the one thing I'd hate to be without would be my vacuum. My house seems to be very dusty and I can't stand seeing those stupid dust monsters in the corners. Oh, wait - that one over there is my cat!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

YAY!! I'm Normal!!

It wasn't really that bad.

At least the machines release you as soon as they take the pic. Patients used to be stuck in the vise-like grip of the machine until the Tech came back to release you.

Horn Dogs

There were three horny dogs a British bulldog, a German shephard and a Chihuaha. A poodle walks by and says "Ill let one of you fuck me if you can use liver and cheese in the same sentence"

The Bulldog says "I hate liver and cheese"

She says "Nope that wont work"

The German shephard says "I love liver and cheese"

She says "Nope that wont work"

The Chihuaha says "Liver alone cheese mine"

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dropping by

I am in a slightly better mood today, even though some people assume that I am psychic. As much fun as that might be, I am not. Really, I'm not. WorryWart has to do a webinar. Okay, no problem because it's not until tomorrow. However, when I was finishing up my lunch hour her boss said that she needed help with the webinar that starts at 2. Oh goody - it's 1:55 now. 'I thought the webinar was tomorrow. I'll have to check the e-mail.'

So I check the e-mail. Yep - not until tomorrow. Better call WorryWart. Hmm, she's on the phone. Better walk over there even though I can't stand her. She tells me it was in two sessions. It would have been nice to know that.

Some people are stupid. By that I mean the co-worker I call WorryWart. She is always technilogically frustrated, but never really takes the time to learn how to do things. I hate that. Don't come screaming at me that you need help with something. Because when I offer to show you things, I get "Oh, I don't have time for that." WTF.

I think my happy pills work great, because any other time I'd be swearing up a storm and thinking of ways to hide her body.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I'm not ignoring you guys. Really. I've been super busy at work. My department should have more than one person, considering that I am the help desk for more than 400 people. I'm just glad they aren't all here at the same time, otherwise I'd be nuts and no one would be able to read the babble falling out of me.

I've also been in a weird funk for a little bit. But things should look up soon. Classes start up again soon and I get to take the cool class - Criminal Investigation! Yeah!

The weekend found me running all over the place. Went to the mall to get my hair cut, then spent the rest of the day wandering around the shops. I'll post pics later. I need a new profile pic anyway. (Gonna put on makeup and everything for you guys!)

I spent Sunday with my mother. Took her out for a belated birthday lunch, and a trip to the craft stores near my house. I spent waay too much money. It was a good day overall. Sometimes she drives me nuts, though.

What's large and gray and goes around in circles?
An elephant stuck in a revolving door!

Baby Girl, me, M and Mom went to the zoo on Monday. All the animals were outside, and actually doing stuff. Any other time we go, it's too hot outside and they all lay around. I got a few good shots, only one of the carousel for Mute Monday. I really wanted to go to the local stable and get some shots of the lovely ponies they have there. Just watch out for the (big) puppies - they bite!!

Why do gorillas have big nostrils?
Because they have big fingers!!

TMI Tuesday #99

It's that time again! YAY! It's Tuesday!! Head on over and grab the questions! Share your secrets - we won't tell!

1. What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
Went to the chinese buffet. Avoid the chicken - it's not really chicken.

2. How much cash is in your purse/wallet right now?
About $300 that I forgot to put in the bank. And now it's closed. Damn.

3. What have you done to avoid being flirted with by someone you didn't like?
I just tell them the truth. Depends on how much of a pest the flirter is being. Sometimes I'm nice about it, other times not so nice.

4. Do you believe the theory "Once a cheater always a cheater"?
More like "Once a cheat, the higher the potential to repeat." I mean, everyone has the potential to cheat, no matter how many times one might say "I'd never cheat on my SO." It's just a higher chance if it's been done before. And sometimes you gotta watch out for those guys with the aces up their sleeves during a poker game...

5. Describe your sex life in two words.
Very Vanilla

Bonus (as in optional): Would you/have you ever paid money for sex?
I wouldn't pay for sex with another person. If you think about it, you kinda pay for sex with yourself if you use toys. You had to get them somehow, right? Unless they were a gift of course.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

Here's the deal. Head over to Unconsious Mutterings and get the list of words. Then play word association (and it doesn't have to be one word answers!). Leave her a comment so she can come see what you wrote!

When she says.. :: You say...

  1. Scrabble :: is a great game to play with the fam
  2. NyQuil :: is a great way to get some Z's
  3. Roadtrip :: they need good planning.
  4. Idiot :: is the one who goes on a roadtrip without a plan.
  5. Bandages :: keep the germies out
  6. Series :: Lost is one of my faves.
  7. Summer :: is almost over. :(
  8. Prompt :: means being on time.
  9. September :: has a beautiful sapphire for the birthstone.
  10. Chicken :: is good with crispy skin

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The joke's on you!

Is it me, or just my imagination? Have I become what I loathe - a paranoid conspiracist that thinks the whole world is out to get me? All my life, it seems that I have been the butt of other people's jokes in one form or another. So what is it that makes me a target?

Could it be my looks?
I would not say that I am physically beautiful (as in men and women alike lust after me), but nor am I a troll (no offense to the great trolls out there). Yes, I have gained weight since I quit smoking and have a million excuses for it. "I'm too busy to work out" "I'm too depressed to work out" "Maybe M likes heavy chicks" I'm not huge, but I'm not a twig either.

I was very conscious of a very slight birth defect on my upper lip, and some older boys would pick on me for it. The veins in my lip became twisted somehow, and resulted in a "bump" in the middle of my lip. It's not like I was the elephant girl or anything.

Could it be my personality?
At one time, I was a REAL bitch. Even looking at me cross-eyed could get your head ripped off and shoved up your ass. Like anyone else, I have issues. I was very shy growing up and had very few close friends. Because of the teasing I got, I became a loner. I toughened up and always seemed angry at the world. I subconsciously built a wall around myself that I think of as my own little secret garden where I keep my true self hidden from the world. I am not like that now. I am able to talk to strangers, and have mellowed out quite a bit. I don't know what makes a "strong" personality, but I am sure I don't have a weak one.

Is it just meant to be that way? Getting to my point: the other day Son called me. He asked where I was, then said that his friend CJ had something to say to me. I heard murmering in the background, then I got "Nevermind". Okay, boys will be boys. However, it is not the first time CJ has done something that bothered me. I told Son "Don't call people and tell them that someone has something to say, and then say 'Nevermind.' It's one thing to be the butt of a joke, but another thing to know that you are the butt of that joke." He said that he was sorry, but that CJ had said something about me.

I know I shouldn't care, but when you got this kind of shit all the time growing up you tend to become jaded towards people. It also bothers me because we have always treated CJ as a son. M and his father CJS are best friends and have known each other for years. Curious Visitors