Monday, April 20, 2009

Mute Monday - Outrage

I'm actually posting on the right day! :D


h said...

Excellent! I really liked the digs at child beauty contests. They're just sick, in my view.

Happy Mute Monday on a non-happy theme day!

Buzz Kill said...

A lot of disturbing pictures Kiki.

Now depressed MM!

Heff said...

Oh, the pants below the waistline of my pet peeves.

Jenny said...

Child beauty contests (I believe) are a form of abuse. Sad subject, but you did a good job.

"Happy" MM.

Pam said...

Interesting post indeed and food for thought definitely. Thanks for stopping by my page. Happy MM (late in the day!)

Ree said...

I'm late, I know. But I happen to agree with your outrage. Happy Mute Wednesday? Curious Visitors