Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday 5 - Annoyance

1. What’s the most annoying sound in the world?
Right now, it is the sound of the phone ringing.

2. Which of other people’s mannerisms do you find very annoying?
I really can't stand it when people scuff their feet when they walk. One woman at my previous job did this constantly. She used to be rather large, and I think she wore the shoes she had before her weight-loss surgery. Scuffing feet drives me batshit.

3. What do you do that really annoys others?
Once I get really aggravated, if things aren't going the way I think they should I storm off to brood. Fuck the world.

4. In what way has your own behavior recently caused you annoyance?
Once I storm off to brood, I sometimes have to apologize.

5. Who’s the most annoying person you know?
My DNA Sponsor. We call him Captain Obvious. He says he's the smartest person he knows. Aside from me and my family, he's the ONLY person he knows. He never goes out, he farts, burps, and just fucking annoys me.

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