
Just another fucked up chick blogging about this fucked up
thing called Life, or something like it.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Friday Feast 181
Who was the last person you hugged?
I think it was one of the kiddles.
Share a beauty or grooming trick or tip with us.
Don't use a trowel to apply your makeup.
What does the color yellow make you think of?
Sunflowers. Smiley faces. Happiness. Sunshine.
Main Course
If you were to make your living as a photographer, what subject would your pictures revolve around?
I think I'd like to take pictures of everyday people.
What was the longest book you ever read?
Probably one by Stephen King, like The Stand.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
TMI Tuesday #124
Sticking my tongue out. Most of my job-related stress disappeared at that exact moment. Monetary stress did increase a bit though...
2. What/ Which part of your life you think you could have done better and why?
I think I would handle the time before the whole M/SkankWhore thing better. I don't regret the way I did things at the time it all happened. I might have done a few things differently, like go to a counselor for my depression.
3. Do you have that one person whom you consider to be the wind beneath your wings?
I have 2. My kids. Whenever I felt like I was gonna lose it, I thought of them. For as much as we get snarky with each other, they are my rocks.
4. Tell us about your longest relationship.
M is my longest "romantic" relationship. My friendships are the longest relationships. I've known my friend Z since second grade, and Paisan since sixth grade.
5. In a relationship, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?
I guess I haven't reached that point yet. I didnt have too many boyfriends, and the ones I did have only lasted about 2 weeks. M is the first to get passed that 2 week marker.
Bonus (as in optional):
What is that one intimate moment with someone you miss so much and what are you willing to risk to have another moment of it. ;)
I miss talking to Ernie. He was the only other man that I've truly loved. There were circumstances that wouldn't allow us to be together (my marriage to M) and he respected that. The one really special moment that sticks out in my mind is the time a bunch of us went out for drinks. It was almost closing time, and we all decided to head home. He gave me an extra special good bye. I would not risk anything for another moment with him, I will be happy with my memories.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Friday Feast 180
Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone? If so, what did you do and who was your victim?
I don't remember if I've ever successfully pulled off a prank. Usually, things like that backfire on me so I try not to do them.
What do your salt and pepper shakers look like?
Which ones? I have a lot of salt & pepper shakers. I collect them. I have ones that look like Mickey and Minnie, ones that look like apples, ones that look like garlic, turkeys, bunnies, halloween ones, christmas ones, crystal ones,
Where is the next place you plan to visit (on vacation or business)?
I'd like to go to Hawaii.
Main Course
What kind of lotion or cream do you use to keep your hands from getting too dry?
I think I have eczema like my son. My fingers used to get really dry just in the winter, but for the past few years they are extremely dry and cracked all year long. It hurts. Lately, I've been using Johnson and Johnson First Aid Skin Crack ointment. It's kinda greasy at first, but it does help. I'm open to suggestions...
Make up a dessert, tell us its ingredients, and give it a name.
Shit Balls
2 cups chopped pecans or walnuts
½ cup unsweetened cocoa
2 cups confectioner’s sugar
1 cup dark rum
2 cups light or dark corn syrup
1 bag chocolate chips
Stir vanilla wafer crumbs, nuts, confectioner’s sugar, cocoa, and chocolate chips . Starting with half the rum and half the corn syrup, Gradually stir in liquids, adding a little at a time.
Stir together and check the consistency. When you can roll the mixture into a 1 inch ball, don't add any more rum or syrup. You may not have to use all the liquids, and you don't want the balls to be too sticky.
Shape into 1 inch balls.
Makes approximately 9 dozen.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Whacked Out Wednesday
When the Boy was born, he changed my life. My mother had always told me of the magic of the bonding that occurs immediately after delivery. Even though he is the first born, I did not get that experience until Baby Girl was born 16 months later. The Boy was born with a very rare birthmark, never seen by anyone at the hospital where he was born. He has the correct number of toes, fingers and eyes. But because his birthmark is a medical conundrum, they immediately took him to the NICU and I did not get to bond with him.
Nevertheless, the Boy was my world. Such a sweet little ham that loved having his picture taken. He couldn't speak yet, but as soon as he saw that camera he would strike a pose. Everything was so simple back then.
Now that he is a teenager, things are WAY different. I expected his teen years to be rough, but I never expected this. I allow the kiddles to use my computer and go online. Usually, they go to myspace. Even though I wasn't feeling well, I needed to post my Mute Monday pics. There is a lovely little feature of IE7 that just happened to come in handy this past Monday. It's called History, and the kiddles don't know about it.
I see google searches for Jessica Biel and Alyssa Milano nude pics. No big deal, the Boy is at the age where he should be looking at tits-n-ass. Then I see this: Suicide.com WTF!?!?
I show M, and we both go talk to the Boy. Dammit. I should have paid more attention. I know what the signs are - withdrawing into the video games, mood swings, staying in his room all day. He said he feels lonely even when he is around other people. He told Baby Girl that he "has secrets that will go to the grave" with him. He's 17. What kinds of secrets is he going to have?!
Things have been scrambling around my brain since Monday. I don't know what to say to him. He doesn't feel comfortable talking to me or M. We gave him a hotline number, but don't know if he has called it. The point is, I know what he is feeling. I was there once, and it took a while to come back from that. I know that it doesn't matter what anyone says, those feelings are still going to be there. They might even stay even if he does go to a counselor.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
TMI Tuesday #123
I love the look of both, if done right. I love the look of ink, to me it is a work of art. I know that some people just run out and get it done without any thought given to it. It's more beautiful when there is some personal meaning behind a tattoo.
2. What ink do you have? If none, what would you get and and where?
I don't have any yet. I'm not sure what I'm going to get. For a while, it was going to be the Boy's name surrounded by dragon wings on my left inner wrist and Baby Girl's name with butterfly wings on my right inner wrist. I have designed an elemental pentagram tattoo for myself, but cannot seem to find the right image for Spirit.
3. What piercing do you have? If none, what would you get and and where?
My lobes are pierced once, I have one higher up on my right ear and my nose is pierced.
4. Any other adornments you like to do for your lover or have then do for you?
I think M is wary of any adornments on himself. I would consider nipple piercings.
5. Of all of the above is there anything that is an immediate Turn-Off?
Too many facial piercings. One or two is fine.
Bonus (as in optional): If money/work place rules/your life/whatever what ALL would you do to your body in the name of sexual or just general adornment? For a while, work would not allow anything "wild" like odd colored hair (I want purple). They couldnt say too much when I got my nose done. At least not to my face. Other than that, I guess I am happy with my existing adornments, or lack of.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Friday Feast 179
Name one thing that is unique about you.
I sometimes see my honesty as a flaw.
Fill in the blank: My favorite __pie__ is __cherry__ but I like __apple__ too.
What type of wood do you have for your home’s furnishings?
well, I have to say it's a light color. Probably some type of veneer.
Main Course
Who do you talk to most often on the phone?
M. I don't really care for talking on the phone after a day at work. It's part of what I do all day.
What level of responsibility do you have in your job?
Less than an administrator, more than a data entry person.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Welcome to the Dark Side...
Who was St. Valentine?
The origin of St. Valentine, and how many St. Valentines there were, remains a mystery. Some say that the first Saint Valentine (d.c.269) said to be a priest in Rome and a physician who was beheaded there under Claudius the Goth and buried on the Via Flaminia.
Others say there is a second Valentine in the martyrology who was a Christian bishop who lived in Interamna, the modern Terni. This Valentine was scourged, imprisoned and beheaded by Placidus, prefect of Interamna.
Some scholars believe that these are one in the same man, i.e., a Roman priest who became bishop in Interamna and was then sentenced there and brought back to Rome for execution.
Whoever he was, Valentine really existed because archaeologists have unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to Saint Valentine. Alongside a woodcut portrait of him, text states that Valentinus was a Roman priest martyred during the reign of Claudius the Goth [Claudius II]. Claudius II had cancelled all marriages in the city in order to encourage more men to join the military.
Since Valentinus was caught marrying Christian couples and aiding any Christians who were being persecuted under Emperor Claudius in Rome [when helping them was considered a crime], Valentinus was arrested and imprisoned. Claudius took a liking to this prisoner -- until Valentinus made a strategic error: he tried to convert the Emperor - whereupon this priest was condemned to death. He was sent by the emperor to the prefect of Rome, who, on finding all his promises to make him renounce his faith ineffectual, commended him to be beaten with clubs and stoned, and afterwards, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate [circa 269].
One legend says, while awaiting his execution, Valentinus restored the sight of his jailer's blind daughter. Another legend says, on the eve of his death, he penned a farewell note to the jailer's daughter, signing it, "From your Valentine."
How did we come to celebrate St. Valentine’s day?
In 496 AD Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a celebration in honor of Valentinus’ martyrdom.
Valentine’s day is derived from two of the most sexual Roman festivals. The first celebrates Juno Februata - the goddess of the “fever” of love, women and marriages. Her feast day is February 14. On this day, small pieces of paper, which had the name of a teen-aged girl written on it were put into a container. Teen-aged boys would then choose one paper at random. The boy and the girl whose name was drawn would become a “couple,” joining in erotic games at feasts and parties celebrated throughout Rome. After the festival, they would remain sexual partners for the rest of the year. This custom was observed in the Roman Empire for centuries.
(A cleaned-up version of the festival was re-named the "Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary" by Pope Gelasius I in 494 A.D., intended to commemorate the occasion of Mary being purified at the Temple following the birth of Christ. The date was later changed to February 2, and its name was also changed again.)
The second Roman festival behind Valentine’s day is celebrated on February 15. Lupercalia (known as the “festival of sexual license”) was held by the ancient Romans in honor of Lupercus, god of fertility and husbandry, protector of herds and crops, and a mighty hunter—especially of wolves. The Romans believed that Lupercus would protect Rome from roving bands of wolves, which devoured livestock and people.
Assisted by Vestal Virgins, the Luperci (male priests) conducted purification rites by sacrificing goats and a dog in the Lupercal cave on Palatine Hill, where the Romans believed the twins Romulus and Remus had been sheltered and nursed by a she-wolf before they eventually founded Rome. Clothed in loincloths made from sacrificed goats and smeared in their blood, the Luperci would run about Rome, striking women with februa, thongs made from skins of the sacrificed goats.
The Luperci believed that the floggings purified women and guaranteed their fertility and ease of childbirth. February derives from februa or “means of purification.” The festival survived into Christian times and was not abolished until the end of the 5th century.
Currently, Valentine's day is nothing more than a vulgar display of commercialism. I'd rather celebrate as the Romans did. :)
Ponder this...
Where oh where has my Jon Galt gone? Where oh where can he be?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
TMI Tuesday #122
1. what's the sexiest gesture a person you are sexually interested can make?
It's the simple little things that I enjoy. A touch on the arm, going for a cup of coffee, a kiss on the cheek.
2. what are 3 inevitable things about you?
I will get pissed about something stupid.
I will try to fight working in a group for class stuff.
I will not do my homework on time.
3. how many types of orgasms have you experienced?
um.. 3
4. what asset do you have besides the physical and the material?
I am very creative, and very giving. I love putting together gifts for people that I love.
5. what do you want . . . . now?
A better smile.
Bonus (as in optional):
describe a sexy mind.
Listens well
Doesn't judge me no matter what I say
Monday, February 11, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
A Feast of a Different Beast
Sweet Stuff
1. Cake or pie?
Why do I have to choose just one? I love cherry pie and I like cherry chip cake.
2. What is your favorite kind of candy?
Most of it, really. If I have to pick my top 5, it's going to be:
Reese's cups
3 Musketeers
Peanut M&Ms
Marshmallow Peeps, but only around Easter time.
3. Do you actually like conversation hearts?
Yes, I do. There are certain colors that I don't really care for - I think it might be the yellow ones.
4. Would you prefer chocolates or flowers from a loved one?
Chocolates. Flowers are cool too, but I'd rather savor the rich taste of chocolates.
5. What is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for you?
The first thing that comes to mind is when M proposed. He had connections in the jewelry biz, so I have tons of jewelry. We were going out to dinner for Mother's Day (I think) and I knew he was going to propose because he had my finger sized and made me look at all kinds of different rings. On our way to dinner, he told me that they cracked the diamond in half while trying to set it and it would be a few weeks before he could give it to me.
Didn't he bust out with it at the restaurant, on bended knee!
Found at Friday Fiver
1. Do you like the thrill of a chase?
I enjoy the thrill of the chase. Depending on the target, I also enjoy the catch :)
2. What winds you up?
Stupid people that won't listen, and people that don't shovel in the winter.
3. Are you a loud talker?
I can be, but I try not to be.
4. What comes easy to you?
Computer stuff like troubleshooting.
5. What did you dream about recently?
I don't remember my recent dreams.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
TMI Tuesday #121
Hey Kid, Babes, Doodles
2. Do you have a favorite poem and, if so, what is it? Recite it (or a snippet) here, please.
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
- Carl Sanburg
3. What is your greatest regret in life, something that you failed to do that you wish you did?
I don't regret much of anything. I might change the way I've done things, but I don't regret doing them.
4. You are tired and hungry, but it's too late to cook. If any snack food were available to you, what would you choose and why?
Chance has it that there aren't going to be snack foods left in my house. I have two teens and a Lump (not M) living with me. So I am going to eat whatever I can find.
5. What is the oldest item of clothing (not jewelry!) that you wear regularly and what do you love about it?
Does a blanket count? Cuz I still have the one that I took from the hospital when the Boy was born. I don't wear it, but I can't sleep without it.
Bonus (as in optional):
Name a movie or TV show that changed your thinking or behavior.
Can't think of any at the moment.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Friday Feast 178
What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Well, it used to be Honeycombs but since they changed the taste I'll eat Apple Jacks. I like Kix too.
When was the last time you purchased something for your home, what was it, and in which room did it go?
I purchased a cover for my ironing board and it's in the dining room.
What is the funniest commercial you’ve ever seen?
It's a car commercial. One guy says "Blinds close" and disrobes, the girl says "Door open" and smashes into the glass door and gets to wear her coffee. I love that part. :-D
Main Course
Make up a name for a company by using a spice and an animal (example: Cinnamon Monkey).
Star Anise Chicken


Fill in the blank: I haven’t __relaxed__ since __Wednesday__.