Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday Feast 171

What was the last game you purchased?

God of War

Name something in which you don’t believe.
This is a tough one. I believe in lots of things, I think I'll come back to this one.

If you could choose a celebrity to be your boss, who would you pick?
George Clooney. And not because I think he's good looking (which he really isnt), but because he buys his assistants really cool stuff.

Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
The right way to evict a tenant.

Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.
No kids.
No laundry.
Johnny Depp
Lots of candles
Some big comfy chairs and couches
Lots of pillows
A few blankets
Some nice relaxing music
A big plate of cheeses, crackers and fruits
Some wine
Tons of books to read (for when I'm not screwing Johnny's brains out)

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