1. What is your favorite holiday memory from when you were a kid?
That would the year I got my Raggedy Ann, which I still have. She is homemade, and is about 3 feet tall.
2. What is the "naughtiest" thing you have ever done under a Christmas tree?
The only really naughty thing i can think of is not properly watering the poor tree.
3. On a scale of 1-10, how "good" were you this year?
Well, considering things that I've done, I'd give myself a 3.
4. How long have you been playing TMI? Regularly?
I've been playing pretty regularly. Although, I've been posting after Tuesdays lately.
5. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you this year?
I got fired for a stupid reason.
Bonus (as in optional):
Tell us a secret from your past that you would share during a "Nobody in this room knows this about me" ice-breaker.
I really hate "ice-breakers". The only ones I can think of for this category are ones that are shoved way back into the skeleton closet.
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