Ok.. before you all get yer panties in a bunch, I'm NOT advocating drunk driving. If you're going to drink, here are some suggestions for things you can do other than drive:
- KEEP YOUR ASS HOME. Not only does this keep you from driving, but it's so much closer to stumble to your bed or couch when you finally do pass out.
- Get a Designated Driver. Either a friend willing to watch you make a fool of yourself or arrange for a taxi to take you home.
- Sleepover! If you cant stay home and drink, or don't have anyone to drive you around, do the next best thing and spend the night at someone else's house. Take some extra with you to share with them :D
I have no problem with people that want to drink. I enjoy it myself. Although I will admit, lately it's more to dull the heartache I feel. Calm yer bits.. I know that's not the way to deal with things. I'm well aware of the dangers of falling into the bottle. Most of my family are alcoholics. My own mother has been through AA herself, only to find herself cracking open a cold one during the time shortly after her mother passed away. I let her know I was disappointed by that, but she's an adult. She's going to do what she's going to do no matter what anyone says or does. She's been good about it.. she's not drinking herself into oblivion or driving drunk.
Two weeks ago, I bought a 375ml bottle of Black Velvet for myself. Two weeks ago.. I've had some the past few days. Keep in mind, its not a huge bottle. So basically, only 8 or 9 shots.. depending on the size of your glass :D I've been using a 20 ounce coke bottle to mix my drinks.. meaning I'll get about 5 drinks of that size. Spread out over 4 days.. that's really not a lot. You could have knocked me over with a feather when Hub said "That's all you got left?!" after looking at my bottle that still has 2-3 shots worth of liquid left.
(Insert sudden sound of squealing brakes here)
Really?! This coming from a man that has no problem knocking back a 12 pack on any given day, sometimes multiple consecutive days? Excuse the fuck outta me?! Is he fucking serious?! I'm a grown person, capable of making my own choices. Yea, sometimes they are bad ones but still mine to make. Fucking hypocrite. I'm NOT drowning my sorrows, nor am I blaming anyone else for my drinking. I am fully aware that I am drinking, how much I am drinking and WHY. Unlike SOME people. Yes, its to help numb me for a little bit, but I've ALWAYS been a responsible drinker. Very few times in my life have found me so drunk I was barely aware of my surroundings. I don't like that.
This really aggravates me.
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