Friday, August 22, 2008

Next stop - Evictionville!

Ok, this is the second typing of what happened.

I yelled at the DNA sponsor tonight. He came home in a pissy fucking mood, which set the stage for me being pissy.

Earlier, I was outside creating a belated birthday card for my mom. There were flying ants or some shit that kept landing on me. Pretty hard to work with adhesives and make a nice card when there’s dead fucking bugs all over everything because they’re stuck in the glue.

So I turned on the outside light, and told him there were bugs out there. “What’s the fucking difference?” was his reply. Well, hello to you too you fucking asshole. I turned the light off (I probably could have left that on). As I walked upstairs, I was saying “Don’t get all snappy at me. I’m not the problem.” He comes in the house, slams around in the kitchen then slams the door. I yell down “Stop slamming the dam door”. I asked the kiddles to stay out of his way, mostly because I don’t want to deal with his primadonna bullshit drama.

I hear him come upstairs. He tosses a half-eaten bag of Fritos at me and says “Here, you can have the rest of my dinner. I’m full”. Without saying anything and without looking at him, I pick up the bag and put it on the coffee table.

I don’t know where he got this notion that this is fucking Leave it to Beaver. I am NOT June Cleaver. He thinks coffee and dinner should be ready for him when he gets home from work. Helloooooooo. I don’t even do that shit for my own husband.

About 15 or 20 minutes later, I’m in the Tower and he calls up to me.
Don’t be mad at me. I’m going to the store for something to eat. Do you want anything?
No thank you.
I don’t know what he said that triggered me, but I said “you started it”. Then he starts whining about how for the second night in a row, there’s no dinner for him. There was chicken and salad yesterday. M cooked it before he came downtown to see Saliva because he knew that the fucking Lump was going to whine about it.

What was I supposed to do? Make a chicken sandwich with no bread, nothing but two pieces of chicken and mayo? Did you eat tonight?
No. (not completely true. We all had a late lunch)
Here is where things get fuzzy for me. He said something, and I started yelling.
you were the one all pissy when i told you about the bugs.
I don’t care about sitting with bugs.
That’s fine, but you don’t have TO SNAP AT MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
at this point, I was screaming at the top of my lungs.
He says something I didn’t hear
“if you don’t fucking like it here, you can fucking leave. (something else I didn’t hear) You’re a big boy, fucking deal with it.”

there's more that i want to put here, but that's the jist of the episode.


Ashly Star said...

Lol. June Cleaver huh? Maybe he should go find a June Cleaver and live with her. ;)

Kiki said...

I never thought his version of the perfect woman existed. Until Sara "Barracuda" Palin appeared on the Presidential political scene.

She likes everything he likes - fishing, hunting, Alaska. Curious Visitors