Friday, August 22, 2008

Next stop - Evictionville!

Ok, this is the second typing of what happened.

I yelled at the DNA sponsor tonight. He came home in a pissy fucking mood, which set the stage for me being pissy.

Earlier, I was outside creating a belated birthday card for my mom. There were flying ants or some shit that kept landing on me. Pretty hard to work with adhesives and make a nice card when there’s dead fucking bugs all over everything because they’re stuck in the glue.

So I turned on the outside light, and told him there were bugs out there. “What’s the fucking difference?” was his reply. Well, hello to you too you fucking asshole. I turned the light off (I probably could have left that on). As I walked upstairs, I was saying “Don’t get all snappy at me. I’m not the problem.” He comes in the house, slams around in the kitchen then slams the door. I yell down “Stop slamming the dam door”. I asked the kiddles to stay out of his way, mostly because I don’t want to deal with his primadonna bullshit drama.

I hear him come upstairs. He tosses a half-eaten bag of Fritos at me and says “Here, you can have the rest of my dinner. I’m full”. Without saying anything and without looking at him, I pick up the bag and put it on the coffee table.

I don’t know where he got this notion that this is fucking Leave it to Beaver. I am NOT June Cleaver. He thinks coffee and dinner should be ready for him when he gets home from work. Helloooooooo. I don’t even do that shit for my own husband.

About 15 or 20 minutes later, I’m in the Tower and he calls up to me.
Don’t be mad at me. I’m going to the store for something to eat. Do you want anything?
No thank you.
I don’t know what he said that triggered me, but I said “you started it”. Then he starts whining about how for the second night in a row, there’s no dinner for him. There was chicken and salad yesterday. M cooked it before he came downtown to see Saliva because he knew that the fucking Lump was going to whine about it.

What was I supposed to do? Make a chicken sandwich with no bread, nothing but two pieces of chicken and mayo? Did you eat tonight?
No. (not completely true. We all had a late lunch)
Here is where things get fuzzy for me. He said something, and I started yelling.
you were the one all pissy when i told you about the bugs.
I don’t care about sitting with bugs.
That’s fine, but you don’t have TO SNAP AT MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
at this point, I was screaming at the top of my lungs.
He says something I didn’t hear
“if you don’t fucking like it here, you can fucking leave. (something else I didn’t hear) You’re a big boy, fucking deal with it.”

there's more that i want to put here, but that's the jist of the episode.

Damn dial-up

I just typed out a long fucking post about something that just happened and fucking dialup connection was lost. Everything I just typed is gone. FUCK.

I'll be back. Gotta retype shit now. Gonna do it in Word.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

You've GOT to be joking

Why is elephant skin so wrinkly?
Because they don't fit on the ironing board!

Why aren't there any sheep in Africa?
Because the elephants use them as tampons!

Whats the difference between your wife and your job?
After 10 years your job still sucks

FYI - I can't tell a joke to save my life. So these are a few of the ones that I currently have in my head. Corny, I know.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ketchup and Mute Monday

So far, Grandma is okay.

Today is also my mom's b day. So I'm going over to Grandma's house tonight.
Thought I'd stop by and play. I hate being out of the loop....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life and Death in the Garden

Not a good day for me.

Grandma wasn't feeling well on Sunday while at a birthday party for one of Cousin BabyMaker's kids. Auntie took her to the hospital and they kept her for observation. She couldn't remember being at BabyMaker's house. Not good.

The doctors said her body is starting to shut down. Auntie has to call hospice, and they are bringing a hospital bed to the house for grandma. I'm at work right now, and I'm having trouble concentrating.

That's all for now.
Thanks for being here.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Being the dork I am, I made cupcakes to take to school. I've never been able to do that before! Except I didn't hear the timer go off, and they are slightly overdone... Not burned, but the bottoms are definitely brown.

Only two people in class had one. That's what teenagers are for - to eat everything in sight!

Plans for the day include

  • blogging while in class (check)
  • laundry
  • spending a bit of time with M
  • going to a grad party
  • help Wife with her wedding list of things to do
  • having a picnic with my wife and mistress
  • taking part in a Lughnasadh blessing
  • watching Shakespeare in the park
  • maybe try and work on the paper that is due today...

Baby Girl is going to join us for the blessing. My feelings about her joining us are mixed. I don't want to discourage her from experiencing new things, but at the same time I'm feeling like she's up my ass. I just hope it goes well today.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Big ol' bottle o' Ketchup!!

Anybody still visit me here? I'm not ignoring you. Really! This past month has been absolutely nuts for me. I'm lucky to have gotten out two of this month's Mute Monday on Monday. I found a bunch of drafts that need to be published. So guess what ya'll get to see? BWA HAHA!!

July 18, 2008
TMI Tuesday #143

1. What were you known as in HS (Jock, Princess, Geek)
I was a Loner.

2. What were you really?
I was a Loner.

3. If you could go back and tell your 16 year old self one thing, what would it be?
Make more friends, don't be afraid to speak to people.

4. If you could erase one moment from your school days what would it be?
Hmm... I think it would be the time when I helped to setup this one girl for an ass whoopin'

5. Who did you not date (or more) that you wish you did?
No one, really.

Bonus (as in optional): If you went to prom, describe your outfit.
It was a dress that my mother made for me, fashioned after a Jessica McClintock dress I had seen in a magazine. It was gorgeous. Strapless, with a black satiny skirt. The top half was royal blue satiny material with a layer of lace.

July 10, 2008
TMI Tuesday #142

SHIT. I was trying to copy my stuff from a draft and my stupid fat fingers lost it. FUCK.

ok. nevermind. i'll come back later.

(this is me, sneaking in to post more)

July 31, 2008
TMI Tuesday #145
This is a tribute to the late great George Carlin.

1. What is your language pet peeve. (example 'hot water heater', why would you heat hot water)
My language peeve is when someone needs to ask something and says "Question." THAT'S NOT A QUESTION. IT'S A STATEMENT.

2. What is your favorite word? Both dirty and clean?
"dirty" word: Queeb. =D
"clean" word: sleep (at the moment)

3. What is the one word you cannot spell?
Maintenance. I can never remember if it's ten or tan, and yes I spell checked before I put it here.

4. What is the one word you always pronounce wrong?
I never realized it until now, but I mispronounce "wolves". When I say it, it comes out "woovs", kinda sounds like I wuvs you, but with a long u. I know it's spelled right, but the L feels wrong when saying it.

5. If you could erase one popular catchphrase from the english language, what would it be?
I'm sure there is one, but I can't think of it now. I'll come back to ya on that.

Bonus (as in optional): The late, and very hot Michael Hutchence (INXS) once sang, "Words are weapons, sharper than knives" . What is the most hurtful thing you have ever said to anyone? Was it deliberate or accidental? What was the most hurtful thing ever said to you? Do you think it was deliberate or accidental?
Hell, there are a lot of things I wish I could take back. I used to be very mean with a sharp tongue. That's part of the problem of being able to speak my mind. I never used to care what people thought or how they felt, I just called it like I saw it.

The most hurtful thing that I think I said was to M. Our friend, S lost her sister B. I had remembered that S told me that M was B's "first". So I said "S told me you were B's first. I always thought B had a crush on you." M told me that it was true. At the time that he was the first, B was much younger and M should have known better.

If you ask M, I'm sure he'll have a different answer for you. Curious Visitors