Monday, July 21, 2008

Mute Monday - Science


Big Shamu said...
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Big Shamu said...

Awesome choices. So much space, so little time.
Here's another realm that's underexplored:

Happy Mute Monday.

Johanne said...

Still the big question... where do we come from?
happy MM!

h said...

Extremely cool and punctual! Love Astronomy and pics like these.

Happy Mute Monday!

Kiki said...

Big Shamu - that first one scared me!! Glad they are deep down and not too close to me!!

SeaRabbit - I come from Mars. :)

Troll - I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. I'd still love to see Earth from space. It looks so peaceful from up there, I bet.

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics! Happy MM! Curious Visitors