Friday, August 1, 2008

Big ol' bottle o' Ketchup!!

Anybody still visit me here? I'm not ignoring you. Really! This past month has been absolutely nuts for me. I'm lucky to have gotten out two of this month's Mute Monday on Monday. I found a bunch of drafts that need to be published. So guess what ya'll get to see? BWA HAHA!!

July 18, 2008
TMI Tuesday #143

1. What were you known as in HS (Jock, Princess, Geek)
I was a Loner.

2. What were you really?
I was a Loner.

3. If you could go back and tell your 16 year old self one thing, what would it be?
Make more friends, don't be afraid to speak to people.

4. If you could erase one moment from your school days what would it be?
Hmm... I think it would be the time when I helped to setup this one girl for an ass whoopin'

5. Who did you not date (or more) that you wish you did?
No one, really.

Bonus (as in optional): If you went to prom, describe your outfit.
It was a dress that my mother made for me, fashioned after a Jessica McClintock dress I had seen in a magazine. It was gorgeous. Strapless, with a black satiny skirt. The top half was royal blue satiny material with a layer of lace.

July 10, 2008
TMI Tuesday #142

SHIT. I was trying to copy my stuff from a draft and my stupid fat fingers lost it. FUCK.

ok. nevermind. i'll come back later.

(this is me, sneaking in to post more)

July 31, 2008
TMI Tuesday #145
This is a tribute to the late great George Carlin.

1. What is your language pet peeve. (example 'hot water heater', why would you heat hot water)
My language peeve is when someone needs to ask something and says "Question." THAT'S NOT A QUESTION. IT'S A STATEMENT.

2. What is your favorite word? Both dirty and clean?
"dirty" word: Queeb. =D
"clean" word: sleep (at the moment)

3. What is the one word you cannot spell?
Maintenance. I can never remember if it's ten or tan, and yes I spell checked before I put it here.

4. What is the one word you always pronounce wrong?
I never realized it until now, but I mispronounce "wolves". When I say it, it comes out "woovs", kinda sounds like I wuvs you, but with a long u. I know it's spelled right, but the L feels wrong when saying it.

5. If you could erase one popular catchphrase from the english language, what would it be?
I'm sure there is one, but I can't think of it now. I'll come back to ya on that.

Bonus (as in optional): The late, and very hot Michael Hutchence (INXS) once sang, "Words are weapons, sharper than knives" . What is the most hurtful thing you have ever said to anyone? Was it deliberate or accidental? What was the most hurtful thing ever said to you? Do you think it was deliberate or accidental?
Hell, there are a lot of things I wish I could take back. I used to be very mean with a sharp tongue. That's part of the problem of being able to speak my mind. I never used to care what people thought or how they felt, I just called it like I saw it.

The most hurtful thing that I think I said was to M. Our friend, S lost her sister B. I had remembered that S told me that M was B's "first". So I said "S told me you were B's first. I always thought B had a crush on you." M told me that it was true. At the time that he was the first, B was much younger and M should have known better.

If you ask M, I'm sure he'll have a different answer for you.

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